Tuesday, March 5, 2013


If you follow me on Instagram you know that Natalie from GuffeyLove and i are doing a blog series on the book 7, the mutiny against excess. it's a seven month process on learning to live with less. Each month there is a different topic and the first is food. You pick 7 foods to eat for the whole month. That's right only seven. And not categories like "veggies" or "fruit" which is what i was trying to do. I was planning on starting 7 yesterday but after adding to many "large categories' to my list i decided to start next monday so i could eat up the good stuff in my fridge so it didn't go bad.
I'll be back Monday with Day 1!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow that sounds interesting! My husband and I have been talking about getting rid of all the excess we have. I'm sure we have less excess than the average Joe, but I like to live with only what I need. The 7 foods part sounds hard! I'm interested to see what 7 foods y'all will choose.


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